Together we are innovating community health.
Enhancing care for each of us. Lowering costs for all of us. Improving the health of our communities.

In a time when dedication to community health – and individual health – has never been more essential, CHIPA (Community Health Independent Practice Association) brings together a unique group of federally qualified health centers from throughout the state of New York. CHIPA is committed to the importance of primary care and determined to make it more available to more communities by driving down cost and raising standards, we are proud to stand out from all other IPAs. As data reinforces our approach and our expertise, we will deliver the highest quality of care in the most efficient manner. We invite FQHCs and Look-Alikes who deliver care and service excellence to Medicaid and uninsured populations to join us to strengthen our capacity and combine our resources. Together we are innovating community health.

An Independent Practice Association exists to provide independent physicians and physician groups with a means of maintaining their independence while designing innovative business solutions to improve quality and reduce overall costs. The specific goals of CHIPA are to represent its owners – Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Look-Alikes – to negotiate statewide and regional value-based contracts in order to enhance our ability to succeed within the framework of value-based payment contracts. As a unified force we are able to set benchmarks for clinical and financial sustainability and achieve them, which strengthens our market position even as the competitive landscape continues to evolve.